Tuesday, April 10, 2012

simple music world Belgium organiseert improvisatiesessies!

Goeiedag beste muziekliefhebber!

Ergens midden april 2012 landde simple music world in Belgiƫ.

Reden van dit heuglijke feit is dat SMW stichter Betty Donelly binnenkort zal starten met het organiseren van improvisatie sessies.

Deze zullen doorgaan in Zaventem, bij Brussel.

Inschrijven is voorlopig volledig gratis. Voor verdere info en inschrijvingen klikt u even op de link hieronder!


Op bovensytaande web pagina kan zich inschrijven om emails te ontvangen en zodoende hou ik u op de hoogte van de startdatum van de impro sessies.

Tot binnenkort!

Betty Donelly

Welcome to simple music world!

Hello music lover!

In 2010, simple music world was founded by musician Betty Donelly.

Now, who the heck is Betty Donelly?

Betty Donelly isn't just a new kid on the block!

She's got her music to show for it :

Betty started her solo band (yes, the music sounds like a full band, although most of the songs just need a drum track, but that's coming soon enough) back in 2005 and she's solely responsible for all band related activities. Which means she does all the songwriting, arrangements, recording, mixing and mastering, as well as uploading all her stuff online and of course all promotion and marketing efforts.

That's how she came to call her solo act a 'one musician band'.

Betty specialises in getting one musician bands and their operations fully functional online.

Hence the birth of her non profit project called simple music world.

If you are interested, please visit the Official simple music world Blog .

That's it for now.


Betty Donelly
www.simplemusicworld.com (This is the main portal to the world of Betty Donelly)